
Lessons on Creating Leaders and Cultures

The two most overused but under clarified terms in business today are “leader” and “culture”.

Everyone is telling you that “better leaders” are needed, or that “culture” is so important for your company, but nobody really talks about the “how”. 

Oh sure… you have some people who use these ethereal metaphors on creating that culture or being a better leader, but their “solutions” really have no substance to them. 

What a waste.

So, here are 5 things you can do, literally today, to be a better leader and have a culture of self-sustaining growth in your organization. 

  1. Understand why you do what you do:  Nobody on the planet has an exact understanding of how they show up in this world, and yet the closer you get to that understanding your behaviors, the more powerful you will become in helping others in your organization.  Seek out a mentor, go see a professional counsellor, or hire someone who has been there.  (Don’t fall for hiring someone who took a 6-month course and claims they can solve all your problems).
  2. Listen:  Every person in your organization has a story to tell.  Clear your calendar, sit down and get to know their story.  Not with the intent to fix anything or get them to do something for you.  Just to connect.   You will build trust, gain insights, and come to learn how you can set them up for success in the future.
  3. Stop trying to be the expert:  You are smart, but intelligent people know that they really don’t know a lot.  Seek out other’s opinions, discuss things with people who have wildly different perspectives than you, and be willing to be wrong. 
  4. Create a collective “why”:  When a group of people are all working toward a common goal that hits them all at an emotional level, it is incredible how effectively they can get those things done.  Please know that your company values are rarely the “why” that will drive that energy.
  5. Give more than you receive: The best leaders I have ever worked for cared so much about my success that they spent their entire time trying to create space for my growth.  Remember, as a leader, it isn’t about what you can get them to do for you.  It is what you can do for them to help them find joy in their lives. 

I’ve had my hand in personally developing thousands of leaders in 5 different countries. 

Those who live these points always have stronger teams, better products, make more money, and get home on time at the end of the day better than those who don’t live these points. 
